Composer : Arranger : Scoring
Tony Guerrero's work as a composer and musician has been featured in a variety of Television and Theatrical releases, including:
ABC's Bet On Your Baby, Dexter, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Leah Remini's It's All Relative, Toddlers & Tiaras, Queer As Folk, The "L" Word, ABC World News Tonight, Hallmark Channel IDs, Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown, TNT's Hero, Naked Vegas, The Diamond Collar, Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous, Kids In The Hall: Same Guys, New Dresses, Thelma & Louise, Disney’s High School Musical I, Disney's High School Musical III, Jonas Bros, Full House, Santa Baby II (ABC Family), The Smooth Life, Open Doors Ministries, NASA Training, National Sports Bars, Angels Baseball, Rick Warren’s Invitation, ShadowWorks Productions ID, The Playlist and more.
Scoring/Licensing Samples
All the music below is available for licensing.
Scoring & Theater Samples
Google Big Band Commercial
Documentary Score
Auto Commercial